Laser tag game as an experiential training, let’s learn while have fun!
We arranged for some colleagues to join a laser tag game. Not merely a game, it’s a challenge to stamina and training to the mindset as well.
A trip to Xue Mountain: challenge and discover the possibilities of oneself
Managers from different departments went backpacking together, teaming up to face the challenge and enjoy the beauty of Xue Mountain.
Lucidity’s Family Day party was held at the square of our new third phase building for the first time
The third phase building, a better venue for Family Day and a better start for offering superior services.
Lucidity passes the certification of sporting enterprises and wins the 2022 Sporting Enterprises Competition
With “i sports sporting enterprises certificate”, government and enterprises work hand in hand to improve employees’ health and wellbeing.
Serve an internship at Lucidity, explore the unlimited possibility
Being an intern at Lucidity, it’s crucial to have curiosity about everything and be self-motivated
Lucidity got a perfect ending in INA PAACE Automechanika 2022
Being one of the 10 prestigious brands exhibited in the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion.
Energetic working environment makes a non-stopping innovate spirit
Lucidity Woman Dragon Boat Team, Never give up and always keep Fighting
Lucidity LED Rear Combination Lamp SATURN 26171
Diameter 105mm rear combination lamp with function "Tail, Stop, Direction Indicator" and " Fog, Reverse"
Lucidity LED Rear Combination Lamp 26097
26097 provides a larger Tail and Direction Indicator lighting effect which shares the same luminous area.
Veni, Vidi, Vici - Episode3
21 Lucidity partners use 4 days to ride across the half Taiwan by bike.
Lucidity Thermo Conductive Plastic Housing LED Work Lamps
Robust thermo conductive plastic material has better resistance to corrosion and a well-cooling effect.
Lucidity received an award for protecting the Right to Work for People with Disabilities
Lucidity believes that focusing on people who are nearby and taking care of them are the most important things we have to do.